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Stupid or Marvelous

I wonder at times if other people find life as challenging as I seem to make it for myself. Everything operates relatively smooth and peaceful for a while and then KABOOM. The whole thing shatters leaving me to pick up the little shards scattered across what used to be a well-defined path.

Does life need to be difficult? I know it can be hard, really hard, but I’m not talking about life-altering detours that I’ve encountered, just day-to-day stupid shit. I feel too old to be struggling with crap.

I felt particularly stressed this week, under deadlines that seemed too big with unexpected transitions that mocked me as I tried to create a new Plan B on the fly.

Well-established habits like exercise vanished, replaced with taunting brownies. I succumbed convinced that sugar, cocoa and butter would calm and help me regroup. Nope.

Thankfully, my mental mechanic intervened before the sugar took me down a swirling funnel toward a vat of chocolate quicksand. She stopped me when I tried to talk about my “stupid” actions, thoughts, fears. Instead she pointed out strength, resolve, capabilities, and told me I needed to practice positive self-talk.

I know she’s probably right, and suppose it’s worth a shot given the brownie didn’t work worth shit. This week instead of turning to the brownie, I’ve committed to tell myself how marvelous I am while I channel a little Billy Crystal.

I’ll let you know how it goes. What are some of the positive things you tell yourself?

4 Responses

  1. Oh you KNOW how I deal with the challenges and such….a pep talk is SO different than a beating…..why do we still do that? Good post!

  2. Yes, the pep talk is way better. I don’t know why I feel the need to revert to the occasional beating. I’m bound and determined to get it figured out though.

  3. That I can and will do “it” this time. But I am a “glass half empty” person by nature:(

  4. To answer your question, YES, life has to be difficult sometimes. How else will we learn to build our resolve so that when it’s *really* difficult, we’ll be strong enough to get through it?

    Good for you for getting yourself back to the positive side of life.

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