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Alternative Approaches

Everyone I encounter lately is having a rocky time. Is it the time of year, the season, less light? I’m not sure. Sometimes I feel like I’m all alone in the dark with my thoughts. It puts my mind at ease to know there are others in the same situation. At least I can put off the intake appointment at the local loony bin for another week…or maybe it just means I’m in good company.

I ride the wave. I like to blame my typhoons on hormones and sugar. I’m not sure what the biggest culprit is, perhaps both are just an excuse to be a witch, but I am in the midst of some unofficial research. I’ll keep you updated.

For the past year or two, my body seemed out of whack, not quite right. When I talked to my doctor, he performed the obligatory tests and chalked it up to age and hormonal shifts in middle-aged women. My choices were medication or the crazies. Neither of which sounded too appealing.

I tried altering exercise, sleep, herbs and supplements, diet. Nothing seemed to give me enough relief. I finally went back to the doctor reconciled that medication was my best option. However, I read the materials and found a contraindication with an anti-inflammatory I was taking at the time for chronic shoulder pain, which I obtained after lifting weights in an attempt to alleviate some of the tension I had been feeling. Throw away the spinney hamster wheel already!

Hmmm, now what? A friend of mine told me to go to an acupuncturist for my shoulder, but it wasn’t covered by my insurance so I threw the woman’s card in the trash. But I found myself at the point where something had to give. I either needed to get my arm amputated, my womanly organs ripped from my body to increase household harmony or start looking at prison garb in a whole new light. Suddenly the idea of spending $55 dollars for an hour session seemed a lot cheaper than surgery, divorce or a criminal attorney.

Wow! If I could conduct all my daily business with needles sticking out of my forehead, stomach and toes I would do it! The relief I noticed has been profound. The shoulder pain is gone! I mean it. I was taking the maximum dose of medication and still experiencing breakthrough pain. It took several months of treatment, but I was on the medication for a year and endured two rounds of physical therapy, which isn’t cheap. During the course of treatment, the acupuncturist told me she could help the hormonal issues. What did I have to lose? I have noticed significant change with that as well.

Acupuncture may not cure everything or everyone, and I definitely would never give up on Western medicine, but I think there may be a place for both, at least in my life. Maybe it’s mental, maybe physical, perhaps both, and that’s why I believe in the complementary nature of each method of treatment. For me acupuncture works.

In the process, I examine my actions and the excuses I use to explode. I like to blame moods on external forces. While there are numerous things beyond my control, many others I can influence to help me live the most fulfilling life possible. It begins with looking inward. The acupuncture relieved some the physical issues to help me move toward a positive direction. It helps me cope. What helps you?

Faking It?

An hour ago I thought I may be the worst mother in the world. My son sat at the computer doing homework, dawdling of course and complaining that he didn’t feel well. Then he started this gagging, burping, farting, stomach lurching thing that nearly sent me to the bathroom in search of the porcelain god. This is what came out of my mouth, “Make sure you get to the bathroom, and don’t puke on the computer!” I’m such a caring soul! Not a super proud mommy moment.

He got the last word because he decided to share all the details with me, which weren’t all that many considering I still think he was faking it. He moaned around for a while, but after I told him there would be no video games or TV if he stayed home from school tomorrow, he pulled out his social studies assignment. In my defense, I did check his temperature and give him something to calm his stomach.

So, was he faking it? Who knows? He seems just fine now. He and I are a lot alike in many ways. We both have a flair for the dramatic, which can be pretty entertaining to those around us. We are passionate people who let our emotions get the best of us at times.

When I’m in a good mood, it’s funnier than hell to watch his antics. It’s like reliving my childhood, only better because now I know how my mom felt. I catch myself with the same expression she kept cemented to her face. Of course when I saw her lips disappear, I knew I had crossed the line and better stop. My son often keeps going.

Maybe he’s faking it now because he’s simply resigned to the fact that he has a job to do, in this case homework. Regardless of how he feels about it, the work still needs to be done. Not pleasant, just a reality.

It’s the same with weight loss/maintenance. Sometimes I throw hissy fits, kicking and screaming that it isn’t fair that I have to live this way, but it doesn’t change anything. It just wastes time I could have spent doing something enjoyable. The task at hand may not always be easy, but it doesn’t need to be as difficult as I sometimes make it.

For me devouring an entire pizza and a half gallon of ice cream may be the equivalent as staying home and vegging in front of the TV. However, it doesn’t alter the work required and usually it complicates matters.

I’ve really been trying to focus on simple things this week, like tracking my food and only eating when I’m hungry. I’ll fake it until I make it!